Episode 2 - FORGIVENESS (2023)

Mar 12, 2022    Judith Hawkins, Neibra Williams

In this second Friendly Discourse Virtual Seminar, Neibra and Judith explore the topic of forgiveness, a much needed and often rejected experience required for both personal and spiritual growth. How important is forgiveness? Important enough that Jesus taught in the model prayer, The Lord's Prayer, Matthew 6:9-13, that God forgives us in direct proportion to our granting forgiveness to others. At first glance, it may appear that forgiveness is about the other person--it's not! Forgiveness is primarily for us; it is the act of no longer giving permission to the person who wronged us to control and direct our journey to understanding! What is forgiveness not? Join the discussion and allow this virtual seminar to share new insights from old stories!

Discussion Guides Available for $5: Request by contacting GazaRdMinistry@gmail.com. Payment via CashApp $GazaRoadMinistries OR https://secure.subsplash.com/pay/adkod2