The Woman at the Well — The Bible Says A Lot In Very Few Words

Nov 7, 2024    Judith Hawkins

Jesus had to go to Samaria, according to John 4:4. Someone needed an encounter with the Word.

Join us for Episode 2 of the When Bible Women Speak podcast as we continue our study of the Woman at the Well. Then download the free transcript for deeper study.


The women of the Bible offer well-qualified insight on how to live, applicable even today. On our journey to understanding, we can choose whether to profit from others' wisdom or not.

Since history repeats itself, why not learn from these women.

The Bible says: "The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down." (Proverbs 14:1)

Will you be wise or foolish?

Join us each Thursday for a new devotional message.


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